I am not sure that my religous beliefs had much bearing on changing my adaughters name. I really wanted to keep my daughter birthname but it was a long name and I tend shorten all names and there were no easy ways to shorten Savanna ( Sav, Vanna...not into wheel of fortune)
But I let my Adaughter know of her birthname and how important it was to her birthmother.
Now my son was a bit different...he was adopted a 19months and I would not have changed him name...but it was changed before we adopted him.
I feel that the names that the Birthparents choose are very important and that those names can be a part of an adopted child's life as they grow up.
My sister was placed for adoption at birth and we found each other abour 3 years ago. She named her daughter the birthname she was given. So it can be very special .
I think it is all just up to the individuals involved. I know of one bmom who specifically chose the a parents because they said that the bmom could choose the child's name and they honored what she chose. So, it really just depends.
Hope that helps!
Hi. Being LDS has really nothing to do with the name of the baby. It is the individuals that adopt that decide that whether they are LDS or not. LDS adoptive parents aren't counseled in something like this. It is a personal decision.
When we adopted our daughter, we didn't know what her birthmom had named her, so we named her ourselves. With our son, we actually discussed names with his birth mother and we all agreed on a name that we all liked. just depends on the circumstances of each adoption.