Searching for sister born possibly in Buffalo New York 07/02/55. You have 2 brothers and 4 sisters looking for you.
Birth Mother of record is Laura Eames
Birth Father of record is George Varney
Call or email; 315-324-5551
I am searching for a sister born in the Buffalo NY area 07/02/1955. She
was adopted at birth the same as I was.
Her possible birth name is Valerie Christine Varney. Unsure, as any info
is in the form of vague memories from other family members.
Birth Father of Record is; George Varney
Birth Mother is; Laura Varney (Day)
Other possible names are Lori or Laurie, Valerie, Christine or.......
Each member of the family seems to have a different recollection.
Mother passed away 2000 so unable to confirm birth date. But have a
notation in grandmothers bible to go on.
If you know anyone coming close to this description, have them contact
me or register with the New York State Health Department, Adoption
Registry Board, Please
I have located the rest of the family and have met many of them.
Also, I am open to any search suggestions. I have used all of my own and
many of those offered by the great people of these forums.
Bruce Galloway, Hammond NY