I am looking for a Male born June 13, 1969
in Los Angeles Country California
His mother stayed at the Florence Crittenden Home
and he was given up for adoption in August 1969
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Florence Crittenton Center
234 East Avenue 33
PO Box 31219
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Phone: 323-225-4211
***Non-identifying information***
Information can be requested from the adoption file by contacting the adoption agency that handled the adoption. The non-identifying report will have most or all of the following about the adopting family:
A. Ages of adopting parents at the time of adoption
B. Other children in the adoptive family, biological and adopted
C. Physical description, ethnicity, occupations and education of adopting parents
D. Date of birth of relinquished child
***Waiver for Consent to Contact Form***
The Waiver is a form that can be used by adoptees, relinquished siblings or birthparents to give their permission for contact should a waiver be filed by both
NOTE: If the name of the agency is not known, or if it was a private adoption, this office can be contacted for the above services:
State of California
Dept of Social Services, Adoptions
744 P Street MS 3-31
Sacramento CA 95814
Phone: 916-651-8088
California Search Website:
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The person I am looking for would have been about 2 to 3 months old at the time of adoption. He was not given up right after birth.
I'm helping my friend Male DOB 5-11-1969 born in Los Angeles. He wasn't adopted right a way so he may of been in an orphanage for 2 or 3 months.
I am pretty sure the Date of birth is June, as his Mom had the Birth Certificate for many years. She kept him for a few months, but realized she could not survive on her own with an infant, and had to make the decision to give him up for adoption. I do not know how long it took to adopt him out, or what happened afterwards.
Does he know anything about his Mother, like her name or anything? I don't want to get my hopes up about someone if it is not correct.
Just an FYI, I am the Aunt as my sister has passed away. I only found out about the child right before she died, and she asked me to find him.
Do you know where he was adopted from? What agency, and all?
I'm helping my friend Male DOB 5-11-1969 born in Los Angeles. He wasn't adopted right a way so he may of been in an orphanage for 2 or 3 months.
Hello, as far as the birth date it could be wrong which is common. He doesn't know anything about his birth mom or birth father, What he does have is a birth certificate that has blacked out areas and a card from a children orphanage that just had minimal info. He was either born in Los Angeles or Whittier Ca.
Well I don't know much other than of course my sisters name, and the fathers name. I do not know if the father was on the birth certificate.
My sister has passed away. I was the youngest in my family, and before she died she told me about this child. I was devastated. At the time she asked me to find him, and I have put out some info on sites to but have not had any responses.
After she died, I was just dealing with her loss, and did not put much effort and even toyed back and forth if I should.
When I first started looking I had the year at 1969. Somewhere along the way the year 1968 came up. I do not actually know which year is correct. So here is what my info is..
ISO Male DOB 6/13/1968 Los Angeles
I am looking for a Male born June 13, 1968
in Los Angeles Country California
His mother stayed at the Florence Crittenden Home
and he was given up for adoption in August 1968
Mothers Name was Stevenson.
His given name was David. What they do with the Birth Certificates, at the time of adoption I have no clue. I do have one photo of him as an infant, but I can't find it at the moment. There is a long and sad story about my sister, but it is of no consequence if your friend is not the one.
Have you been able to get any info out of the adoptive parents? Or have you contacted the folks in California who can get you the adoption records?
Hello, my name's Denise and I'm a California search angel. I'd be happy to assist you with your search. I just sent you a private message. :)
If you would like here is my personal email I have a picture of my friend Brian that I can send you. His adoptive father has passed away and I am not sure if he is comfortable talking with his adoptive mom about this. The strange thing is that his birth cer that he has is blacked out where the name of the hospital he was born and possibly his birth parents names.I also just read how the FC was good at changing names and dates etc , so your info would of coarse be more accurate than his I assume. I do know that he wasn't adopted right away maybe 2 or 3 months old when he finally was. I am so sorry about your sister passing and I hope that even if Brian may not be the one, that you will find nephew. Searching can be so emotionally exhausting and painful as well. I haven't said anything to Brian about this as I don't want to get his hopes up, but I do hope that maybe he could be your nephew.