We are PCSing (permenant change of station, in the real world it means moving) on November 7th. We are currently active with an agency and are waiting to be matched.
My question is what will happen once we move, do we need a new homestudy or just update the one we have? We won't be able to get a house and get settled with our things for at least 30 - 60 days, not to mention that we have to find a LSW to do the update/homestudy at our new duty station. We are moving from Italy to Guam.
We just found out the date today, so I'll call the agency tomorrow. I just was wondering if anyone had any info on this. We've waiting so long going through IVF then starting the adoption process I just don't want to have to delay it any longer. I want to be a mom NOW!!!! lol.... I just have to remember that it's on Gods timetable not mine :)
Thanks for your help, enjoy your day!
My wife and I are adopting from Kazakhstan, and are PCSing in June 2004. We will finish up the adoption there.
It is our understanding that we will only require a home study update when we move. It will cost us some money because we are going to fly out the same guy who did our original HS to do the update. However he tells us that it would save us money to just have a social worker licensed to perform home studies in GU come out and do the update.
It seems easy enough...
We aren't there yet, so we don't know. But you should be there now. Where are you at with it? We'd like to know!
Honestly it depends on two things - are you moving to another state or another duty station within your state? Also whether this is domestic or international?
Within the state and domestic - shouldn't need to redo, just update with new home info.
New state and domestic - check with a local agency, may have to redo part or all of homestudy to meet your new state's requirements (for instance, Texas requires fingerprints, VA doesn't, so we had to get them done).
Can't answer much about international.