This message was originally posted by [url=]adoption[/url].
It's my personal belief that spirits come into this world with bodies that are challenged and lacking in many ways, because the spirits of those individuals are so beautiful and glorious that they don't need to face the daily decisions between right and wrong. Every one of God's Children needs a body and needs a challenge, but I think that our Heavenly Father saw that these choice spirits were strong enough for a different challenge and they were given their stuardship because of their worthiness. And I know that their bodies will be perfected when reunited with their spirit after their ressurection.
That's a bit farther deep into the Gospel than many of you might normally go; however, when I see anyone with special needs I think of them that way, and I think there goes one of the noble and great ones, they were chosen before they were born.
This message was originally posted by [url=]Mike[/url].
I agree with much of your spiritual ideals but I would add something to it that is more down to earth. These are society's children and society has a responsibility to look out for them. We volunteer to do our part. Agencies, schools, etc. do theirs. We all work together to help these children cope with the suffering they have endured.
This message was originally posted by [url=]Live2shop[/url].
I would also like to think that there is purpose for everyone. No one leaves this earth without touching someone's life in a positive way. I had a Down's Syndrome brother who died in 1997 at age 26, and led a very simple life. When he died, people came out of the wood works to say good-bye. His employer, co-workers, several teachers (even grade school), bus drivers, family (many extended family), friends close and far away, people he bowled with, and many of my own co-workers. Each with their own story of how he touched their lives. It was amazing! As simple as his daily life he made a huge impact on many people.
So, as not to steal your words, but there goes one of the noble and great ones, they were chosen before they were born.