This message was originally posted by [url=]hope4kids[/url].
My little one has another urinary tract infection. The doctor wants to do a couple tests to check her kidney structure and function. It is always something new with her. Because of her heavy exposure to drugs and alcohol prenatally she is at an increased risk for kidney problems. Anyone else dealt with this? How did it turn out? I am so sad for my baby right now.
This message was originally posted by [url=]jolean12[/url].
I am so sorry for what is happening to your baby right now. I will be praying for her and your family. I have heard about kidney reflux but I don't know a whole lot about it or how they repair it. Good luck and keep us posted.
This message was originally posted by [url=]HarleyP[/url].
My little girl has to be checked for this every year. They do a
ultra sound on her kidneys to make sure her kidneys are still growing. They also do another text on here but I am not sure
what the name of it is but it is to measure the presure between
the kidney and the bladder. When you have kidney reflux you
cannot empty your kidney out fully and it backs up into your bladder and causes the infection. In spina bifida babies this is
almost 100% excepted after they are 9 month old but my little
one has not had a big problem so we are one of the few without
problems. When they do have problems they do have medician
for this. Catheterizing is also necessary in some cases. On some
of the test it will be hard for you to take but hang in there just
remember it is for the best. Ask alot of questions to the doctor.
If you have anymore questions let me know.
I am taking M to a urologist in a few weeks for this condition. I was told she has it, but it was diagnosed shortly before she was placed with us, so I was not there when they did the tests. Right now, they have her on a preventative daily antibiotic.
Swomble - can you tell me anything more about this procedure?
Hi, My daughter had vesicoureteral reflux (the tubes from bladder to kidney backed up) and was on antibiotics for about a year. She had several tests to monitor her progress and then she had surgery last year to re-implant the tubes. She is doing great. It is so hard to watch little babes having tests (we only had her about 3 months before she had invasive testing - talk about scary) and going through such trauma at such a young age. Hang in there. You and your daughter will come through this just fine! Good luck.
I am getting nervous about this. M already had the VCUG a few months ago (the test using the catheter), so I am hoping they don't need to do that again. I asked when I scheduled this next appointment, and they said no, just bring her other test results. It is hard walking into the middle of this. Thaks to all for the information.
My bio daughter had kidney reflux. She was not drug or alcohol exposed. We were told there is a genetic link. Urine would back up the tubes from the bladder to the kidneys. She had several kidney infections. She took antibiotics to ward off infection. When she was 6 she had surgery to re-inplant the tubes to a new bladder site. She spent 6 days in the hospital and was back to school in 3 weeks. We are happy to say...she is now 14 and has never had an infection since the surgery. Ultra sound shows no permanent kidney damage. Praise God. This is a pretty common uralogical problem that is 100% correctable. good luck, Sonni
We saw the urologist yesterday. Said M's case is relatively minor and she should outgrow it. He mentioned, very casually, that one of her kidneys is in two parts :eek: . When I questioned him about this he said it does not interfere with function and it does happen sometimes. Has anybody heard of this?