Plea for help please crosspost
To Whom it May Concern,
This is a letter recently written to Judge Stephen Sharp, Dunklin County Missouri. My children were placed for adoption with a family in Pemiscot County, I was to have legal representation, and the right to reclaim. Most is made clearer in the following letter to the judge. I have begged the people involved for information, no one will tell me a thing other than the adoption is final. It is beyond me how, and I know it is far from valid or legal for various reasons. At this point I have exhausted all resources and still have no information whatsoever other than the matter is in the jurisdiction of the courts. I do not even know what court. The children remain with the family who broke every law that could possibly apply. I would truly appreciate any help or suggestions anyone may offer, Thanks for your time, Teresa
Dear Judge Sharp,
Once again I am writing about the illegal adoption that you finalized of my twin boys. The law clearly states I had one year to prove fraud. Fraud Upon the Court SHOULD nullify all proceedings. Sir, if you recall you were told I had no representation prior to finalizing. You were also told Lifetime is a facilitator, NOT an agency as I believed. When Mike and Carrie Strother signed the contract with Lifetime they agreed to follow the California Codes which clearly states in a contract what they had to do. First and foremost I had to have representation. That clearly did not happen. The father asked for representation, that was also denied. The law clearly states if the father refuses to consent, the children are returned immediately to the natural parent/s.
My issue with you is you finalized an adoption knowing, or having some reason to believe there may be some issue about representation and an agency. In six months time no one called Lifetime nor the State of California to check the status of Lifetime? You finalized an adoption as an agency adoption, one big issue here is, there is NO agency. This was a very independent adoption. The Strothers retained two attorneys, in my opinion they are both a disgrace to the profession. I was told I would be provided an agency or adoption attorney, I got an insurance defense attorney and another attorney who has less legal ethics than Joel Steinberg regarding adoption. It is because of situations like Joel Steinberg there are laws to protect children. Sadly enough the laws were ignored in my situation. Yes, Mike and Carrie had a homestudy, I am told Lifetime requires no more than a "whimsical" homestudy at best. People use facilitators if they may have difficulty with an agency. No agency would have allowed Mike and Carrie to do what they have done, if they did they would be shut down. According to ICPC, and any law I have found it is a felony to claim someone is an agency that is not.
Missouri recently decided a mother had withdrawn consent in time and restored her parental rights. In my case the consent is not even valid legally due to several reasons. According the laws Mike and Carrie agreed to follow (CA Family Codes 8800-8823), their attorney could not take the consents nor notarize them, let alone do so while I had an IV administering pain medication from surgery less than ten hours prior. Children are not considered eligible for adoption until they are released from the hospital, mine were in NICU.
After talking to more lawyers than I care to discuss, (all who told me it is impossible, one can not have an agency adoption with a non licensed facilitator) I am told something has to be going on. But , Barbara Godley stated to my attorney nearly four years ago it was perfectly legal. Perfectly legal to state she represents the person she is defrauding? Then in the same letter she states she wants to carefully follow the laws. I will admit, any attorney who has seen that letter has made a comment about it, my all time favorite was the attorney who asked if he could use it for an example of "How to get Disbarred in Two Hundred Words or Less". Oddly, Ms. Godley feels it is legal.
Sir, you did not have jurisdiction to grant an adoption to anyone living in Pemiscot County from my understanding, and after talking to several REAL adoption attorneys. It is kidnapping to be absent from the county an adoption is pending in for more than thirty days, they were absent other than visits for six months, but seems perfectly acceptable. The StrotherҒs were required by the laws they agreed to abide by to register with social services in the county the adoption was pending in. Dunklin County had never heard of them, neither had Pemiscot Correct. When I learned the correct address of Mike and Carrie I also contacted them.
Then I contacted the Department of Social Services to see if perhaps Dunklin County Missouri had managed to withdraw from ICPC, they assured me it is NOT possible for any one to live or stay in another county other than where the adoption is final. Oddly enough, it is very possible. I was told the agency would read the home study, ironically, there was no one at any point representing anyone but Mike and Carrie Strother. The children had NO representation, yes, they may have had home studies done but by who? I was told by a kind woman in Jefferson City with an Independent Adoption it could be their best friend, and Your Honor, it is that wonderful woman who gave me the information to contact you. She explained it was vital you be aware the organization represented as an agency (Lifetime) was not, making it an Independent Adoption.
After extensive research, more calls to numerous adoption agencies, I learned one can not leave a state prior to ICPC being approved, it is kidnapping. Unless the people are Mike and Carrie Strother, in that case you hide the fact and lie some more. Sir, there are reasons natural parents have to have representation, so this does not happen. Why or how did you finalize this mess? And furthermore why can these people commit enough felonies to do a lifetime or two in prison and still keep my children knowing the entire thing is a fraud. Sure, it looks legal, ONE phone call would have blown the farce but no one wanted to do it. Back to the stereotype, "save the children from the single mother". My children were not removed by anyone, I agreed to let "an honest and hard working family" adopt them. I ONLY agreed to an open adoption, Carrie Strother informed me it was closed, I stated I wanted my children back. James Holman, Mike and Carrie, and Lifetime were aware I was reconsidering. The only thing Mike Strother was concerned about was what he had paid Holman, then continued to complain about the cost of formula and diapers. When I did state I was going after my children I was threatened with the FBI and accused of threatening to kidnap. No one has even tried to explain how one kidnaps their own kidnapped children so I will not ask.
Did the accounting not look odd? Not one expense for counseling, living, transportation. They did not pay a thing. Jim Holman stated neither he nor his clients were paying any of my bills. Interstate Compact states the natural parent is to be told who to submit any non-covered bills to, failure to do so is a felony and kidnapping. One more felony for improper accounting on adoption papers, but I totally understand why they did not bother. Godley had lied so many times one more would not hurt. The matter of improper accounting would probably include the $4000 plus payment to Lifetime for advertising being claimed as an agency expense.
Your Honor, I have five letters written between October 1999 and July 2003 from OCDC telling me this matter "is in the jurisdiction of the courts and they can not interfere with the process". It is becoming unbelievable that there is a thing going on. Sir, someone owes me some answers. By now the courts will decide it is the best interest of MY children to stay with the kidnappers, sure, keep them long enough, the court will decide it is best. The entire thing literally makes me ill. By all legal definitions my children are kidnapped, at the least fraudulently adopted. Your clerk has been beyond ignorant, her statements to "get on with life" were less than appropriate. Yes, I called other clerks in your area to see if such statements were allowed, they thought I was kidding.
At this point there is nothing much I can do, I know there are contract violations but no lawyer I have contacted (which is more than 200) in that state will take such a mess. They read the "adoption" papers and say it looks good on the surface, to bad there was not a true statement in it. Mike and Carrie agreed to follow the laws, they agreed I had 90 days to reclaim, they missed nearly every point of that contract if it states what the law says it must. Missouri has a five year statute for contracts. Sad part is no lawyer will take anything with Godley obviously making serious mistakes. I can not file for a court appointed lawyer with no cause of action, to file that I need my rights or the contract. I have neither, nor was I told either. According to the laws Mike and Carrie were to follow the children are not considered adopted until I am told my rights. Failure to tell me is a felony and kidnapping.
On the last note, did it not seem odd I did not show up to the finalization hearing? You saw no proof whatsoever I had been notified as it does not exist. Godley notified Lifetime. It took me until a couple months ago to convince the owner of Lifetime I had no attorney. She claims it is not legal but I waited to long. Sir, you were told and ignored me. Never once have I, nor was I contacted about any of this. No one represented my children, they could be living with the wicked witch of the east, providing they paid Lifetime and Godley and came up with a home study. In my opinion, they would be about as safe with her as the kidnappers who somehow have them. I was raised to be honest, I want the same for all my children. The only reason Mike and Carrie were considered to raise them was a lie. One example of the lies, the profile they provided Lifetime claimed they had a nursery ready, painted in Pooh colors. Then Mike had to rush to paint the room, and they did not even have a crib. Another good one is they claimed they vacationed in Disney World with family, then come to Pocatello, Idaho and say it is the biggest place they have ever been. Interesting, I have been to Disney World, Orlando is quite a bit bigger than Pocatello, Idaho.
This letter is being sent to the Retirement, Removal, and Discipline of Judges as you have left me no choice. There is some serious neglect, no lawyer wants the mess as they say they would have to report you and I may as well, so I do apologize. The law allowed you, the presiding Judge six months to fully investigate an adoption. I do not feel a thing was investigated. I also feel it very strange you, The Honorable Judge Sharp, was at one time associated with the same firm as Barbara Godley.
I do want any available information regarding what court, and the expected time frame to resolve this situation if it has not been resolved without my knowledge. Once again, I would also like court appointed representation to rescind the contract. I thank you for your time, and possibly some answers.
Does anyone know where this woman may turn to? She has embarked on emailing, the media, senators, congress, columnists and newspapers today. Any other help would be greatly appreciated.
IMPORTANT CONTACT YOUR STATE ACLU TELL THEM YOUR STORY SEE IF THEY CAN HELP. I will not promise you they will , but, the ACLU have recently gotten involved with cases lie this in PA. Rights of a parent type of thing. contact them it couldn't hurt and may help.
Hello, reading your post its like i could feel your pain and frustration. I think i can honestly say that a case worker literally stole my son and after 26 years i called her to ask now that my son is grown, could she please get my contact information to him. She advised me that they do not have records anymore to who adopted him. Well I dont intend to quit and im sure you wont. My prayers are with you. We always have hope, and our determination. As Far as i know and what ive been told , most Attorneys wont take them on, I do pray you find one that will. Let me know what happens im here if you need someone to listen. Pat
I guess I am asking for help soon,,fast,quick!!!
My mother was adopted in Chicago, Illinois in 1930. Her birthday is Aug. 28,1930 and she is deceased now,,,her adoptive parents are deceased also. Everyone involved is gone/dead.
I want to find family. My grandparents would be 96 since they were both 23 when my mother was born. They were unmarried. Already got the non-id information, but I need them to just tell me there names.
It has been 73 years , I am an American and I think I have the right to know where my mothers parents came from, Looked like,what they did for a living...EtC...
Please if anyone can help..
Your post is a part of an already existing 'general adoption issues - legal issues' thread on a different topic.
you need to start a new thread on the search forum.
good luck!