I was born Aug. 13, 1979 at Hotel Duet Hospital. I was recently told that my mother was 18 at the time of my birth, she lived at St. Vincent's Maternity Home in New Orleans while awaiting my arrival. I do know that she completed her Junior year of high school while in the home. I also have found out that my birthfather was 21 at the time and also an electrian, they had know each other for 2 years. Her father was a "horse trainer" and both of my birth parents family had alot of education. My birth mother was 4' 11", small build, and a fair complextion. I am trying to contact someone about the medical history in the family, because 2 years ago I was diagnosed with a disease that the doctors call hereditary, and I would like to find out anything else and would love to meet her. She was the oldest of 4 girls, and their last names were "french sounding." I also recently received from Catholic Charities the original letter my birthmom had wrote me, it was dated September 1979. She named me Brandy or Brandi Lynn. Please help me if you can.