My DH and I have been waiting for almost two years for a domestic infant adoption. We've had one match with a pbmom in 22 months, and she decided, before the baby was born, to parent. We are now researching the idea of fostering to adopt. I'm just looking for any other Minnesotans who are in this type of program. I'd love to hear about different experiences and where you are at with this type of adoption. I also wouldn't mind some direction in how to go about this, where to start, etc.
I'm looking forward to participating in discussions on this board!
Hi, I am in the process of becoming a foster to adopt parent. My application is almost done so I can start classes and home visits. If you are interesed contact your county. I am in hennepin and I had to attend an orientation first then I got my application there. After the application process is done i'll have my first home visit and be given the dates and times to attend training classes. There are also parent resource developers to answer any questions you have. They are foster parents themselves. Here is the link to find one nearest to you. [url][/url]
I hope this helps Good Luck!
Any more questions feel free to ask.
Hi There,
Yes we are in the foster to adopt program, we got our son that way. The tpr was not done yet when he was placed in our home. Just to let you know, neither of our children were done the traditional way where you do home visits and such, both were just dropped in our laps. It is nice in a way but there are draw backs too.
Our son was in the foster to adopt program for 1 1/2 years before the adoption was finalized.
Our daughter is now in the same program, but the tpr is done so we won't have to wait quite as long.
Good Luck in you adventure, and it truly is an adventure!