We were asked by our county if we were willing to take a foster to adopt 2 month old AA/HI little girl last week. We took her as an emergency placement and now it has become an adoptive placement. We LOVE LOVE LOVE her already and want to do this. We have no idea about skin, hair and anyother issues that might crop up We never thought about this until now. I have some questions that I know are stupid but I was wondering if anyone was willing to be asked some dumb question privately? Also, any informational books or sites you couls tell me about?
Most certainly.....and I'm sure I won't be the only momma here that will be happy to answer any questions you might have about your little one. Our oldest two children (now grown) are Korean and Japanese; while our youngest (now 2yo) is African-American.
We are both Caucasian, and we had to ask and learn just like you are now! Please feel free to pm me!
Most sincerely,
i would love to help you. I am Ca, daughter is AA. I have a Cosmetology background you can email me at I will answer any questions. Just remember that by asking you are already showing how much you love this little girl.
You all have been great. More responses than I hoped! Thank you all.
I thank you for your kind words in PM's and here in this thread.
I have learned so much in the last 24 hours! Thank you all!
Kris and I are just so excited about this adoption and want to make sure we do all we can to help her become the wonderful woman she is meant to be. At times like these it does take a village to raise a child.
Oh, and I am sure there will be more!
Thank you thank you thank you!
My dd is AA too and I have had a lot of questions to ask people.. She is 2 years old right now and new questions are arising every day.. Is there anyone that will help me too??
I would love to help with any questions you may have. I am also aa with aa daughter. Like Kelli, I have a lifetime of experience to offer.