Dr Thomas Armstrong has written books about people's strengths including: musical, artistic, logical/mathematical, linguistic/verbal, kinesthetic/physical (athletic), interpersonal (born diplomats), intrapersonal (in touch with emotions and moods).
These strengths affect how we and our children learn. Those with musical strengths could learn a list of spelling words by singing them. Another student might learn those words by making a picture out of them. The logical person would bring logic to the spelling of the words ... and so on.
One of my sons is definitely strong in the interpersonal area. He loves to be with people and is a strong communicator. He is in college now and is interested in becoming a Dean of Student Affairs. He loves going to conferences and giving presentations because of the interaction with people.
My other son is a mathematical/logical 'type' ... he is studying to become a lawyer.
I am more an interpersonal learner ... I love discussions with people and those discussions reinforce my learning.
Do you and your children have an affinity for one or more of these strengths? How do those affinities affect your learning. Let us know!