My mother (Birthdate 02/26/1960) had a son that was put up for adoption. Being as how she's computer illterate she asked me to search around and i figured i'd make a post. If anyone has any information i believe he was born in stillwater, MN (almost positive) and was adopted through catholic charities.
There are a couple of things that you can do to help your mother find her son/your brother. Your mom must be the one to do this.
Contact the adoption agency. Ask if her son has contacted them at all. She should update her contact information, medical history, and also file a release of information. What that does is if both mother and child file the release, the agency can then put them into contact with each other. She can also request to have the non-identifying information about the family that adopted her son.
She should also contact the State Post Adoption Unit. She can request a copy of the original birth certificate. And she can file an affidavit of release to be attached to the original birth certificate on file. What that does, is if her son should contact the State about his OBC, then the State will release it, if that affidavit is attached to it. That way her son would know her name, making it much easier for him to find her.
I'm helping my Husband Search for his Biological family. He was born 12-5-1975 It was a private adoption and the records are sealed, therefore we do not have his original birth certificate-where he was born is unknown. He was adopted in Beatrice, Nebraska. Adoptee is: 6'0" Fair Skinned Blue Eyes Dark Curly Hair.