Why is it that no site I have visited mentions CCC Catholic Social Services or St joseph's Infant Home and Orphanage in Sharonville Ohio or Good Samaratin Hospital in Cincinnati. CCC and St joesph's lied to us all at every turn, they caused the death of a baby when I was there. They lied that my child was handicapped and the cost of keeping her would be to extreme for me. The birth certificate state was illegally changed... Good Sam forced the birth of my Child because the doctors and nurses wanted to get home for Christmas morning causing me to loose 4 and 1/2 pints of blood and near death, I recall the nurse laying on my stomach pushing the baby out when I should have had a c-section, But the welfare they forced me to get likely wouldn't pay for it. The nurses were SO MEAN and yelled at me not to touch the baby, "stay away don't touch her" They treated me like ****, all the time these people preaching to me about anti- abortion issues...yet I was like a Dog a 16 year old BREED DOG...
DON'T GIVE THEM YOUR BABIES. They now refuse to help me the Lying ***** that helped take my child is still at CCC. I'm thinking of going to the Media with the deatils of my story, do you think the Catholic Church can handle another scandle?
I am very sorry to hear what has happened to you.
If you don't mind I would like information on the
procedure and any informatio on what happen to you.
I had an aunt whom gave a child away many years ago.
For some reason I can not pry any information out of the surviving
relatives in my family about this.
I belive it was indeed the hospital you mentioned.
Please email me
God bless you