Does it hurt when you're not having sex? If so, then I'd definitely call the doctor. If not, then you can try Dragonfly's advice, or be even more cautious and try touching yourself first to see if that hurts. Just as you would with any healing injury, you can probe the area to see if there are tender spots.
If this is more an anxiety thing than a physical thing, try talking to your husband and explaining that a human being came out of your vagina just recently, and you're a little bit anxious about activity in that general area. Tell him that if he wants to have sex, it's in his best interest to put you totally at ease...romance, candlelight, a massage...whatever makes you feel relaxed and helps you communicate with him. If you feel totally connected with him before you start intercourse, you will trust that he will stop if you need him to, and that will help you relax and enjoy yourself.
Good luck!