Interesting informational site!
For some reason when I pasted to this forum, it is not pasting the entire web address. I will type it out and hopefully this will work!
Enjoy! :D
PS I edited this and saw that yet again when posted, this was automatically shortened, so I did not make it a hyperlink, but well worth a copy and paste if interested in delving into information about this great country.
If you dont mind, let me offer a suggestion.
Just above where you type in your post there is a button that says [url]http://[/url] if you click on that, a java screen will open up. Type in the "title" of the webpage you are posting and click ok, then paste the URL in the second java screen and click ok, and it will look like this:
Brandy, you are the expert! :)
I am doing my best, but it appears that this web address may be too long even for the box for the [url]http://[/url] button above. If it doesn't 'take', then alas it is not meant to be.... But it really is a great website for our life books for our children. :p
But don't worry, as I research I will continue posting these fantastic and informative sights. After all a forum is for encouraging each other right?!?! :p
Someone was telling me today that nothing can bring people closer together than a child's smile! So true!
Take care!
By the way - I just tried this, and it doesn't register. :(
Oh well, just not meant to be! :p
Yokwe all,
The information is originally from the CIA's World Factbook.
As the data are public, they get borrowed a lot. You'll find the exact same information on a dozen travel sites. Some credit the source and, some don't.
You'll need JAVA activated to navigate the CIA site.
My RMI links are at:
The best site for RMI news and images is:
Majuro, Marshall Islands, Images and Resources:
Historic (late W.W.II.) photos of Kwajalein
My roster of RMI satellite images (hosted by NASA)
Examples of Marshallese woven crafts
Laura and Woja, Majuro - the capital of the Republic of the Marshall
Islands (RMI), in the Central Pacific.
I've attached a photo recently sent to me from Majuro, the RMI.