looking for my brothers daughter she was born in approx 1975 or 1976 in tucson arizona her mothers name at the time was laroo dont know if i spelt that right the fathers name was david he was 16 at the time the mothers family was from lovette tx the birth mothers father was in the military at the time of the birth at the time of the birth my brother was in michigan if anyone knows where she could be or knows of this please let me know
yes i do they was stationed in tucson arizona at the time of the birth she was born in tucson arizona her dad was in the airforce i beleive they was origially from tex i believe thanks for replying
you know i said i knew where they was stationed im not really that sure on that i just know the child was born in tucson or at least conceived there
I'm a f, b 11/7/75, Tucson Az, on the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. Supposedly my birthmother or father lived in Michigan before/when her family moved to AZ or when I was born. My adoptive mom saw her when she went to pick me up and supposedly my birthmom(or could have been a friend she sent) had long black hair and was fairly petite...Birthmom and birthfather were around 16 or 17 at time of conception & birth. I have blond hair, and blue grey eyes...
I don't have much more information...Please email me at as soon as you can...
Thanks in advance-I'm so anxious to hear from you!