Adopted through Catholic Charities working with St. Ann's Infant Home, I was born on July 20, 1978 with birth name Ann. I was 3 weeks early weighing only 5 lbs. Supposedly my birthmom was Irish, my birthfather Italian, and both originally from the Mid-West and not married. My birthmother may have moved back to the Mid-West after I was born and my birthfather may have been unaware of my birth.
I would love to know where I inherited my musical and artistic talents from. Please help.
Tracy if your last name begins with the letter C, please contact me. If you are the right person your birthmother contacted Catholic Charities in Washington DC in 1996 to update her address if you ever contacted us.
Yes, my last name does start with a C and I do hope that the information you found is for me. Wouldn't it be something that my birthmother had decided to update an address the year I graduated in case I was to search for her. I have to say that I find it almost impossible to believe that it could be this easy for someone adopted out of D.C. where the records have been sealed to find this information so readily available. But I have faith and lots of patience. I have now contacted you by email and I will wait patiently to find out what next is to be done. I again thank you for your time...This really means a lot to me. :)
I am still waiting patiently...Sent info to SoundEx Registry and nothing yet. If anyone can help with any other information reguarding my adoption please let me know. I did talk a little more with my adoptive mom and she confirmed with me that my birth father did not know about me at the time of my birth. He was of a wealthy Italian family in D.C. and they had something to do with the Arts Business there. And my birthmother was originally from the Mid-West. I feel like I've jumped on a spring board and hit the wall...what do I do next?
Hey Lisa,
I only got the one information other than telling me to register with SoundEx Reunion Registry and that she would contact my birthmother to do the same...I did all that...still waiting. I am no longer able to contact her and haven't heard from her or the SoundEx Registry since. Do you have any advise of what I should do next? :confused:
Have you ever sent for your Non- Id from Catholic Charities? I would have thought that Nannita would have had you do that also with registering with ISRR.
No, I wasn't sure how to go about asking for the non-id from them...thought I'd still have to petition the courts for it. I am afraid I will do something wrong and not get the info I am asking for. What should I do?