........Sorry - meant to elaborate.
The Ministry of Justice or MOJ, is that branch office of government that is responsible for adoptions in Bulgaria. The MOJ approves requests upon the recommendation of two other ministries, Ministry of Health (for children up to 3 yrs of age), and Ministry of Education (children over 3 yrs of age).
How the new law revisions will be affecting the other two ministries, if they are affected, I don't really know.
Hope this helps.
It is my understanding that the MOH and MOE are now out of the adoption process in Bulgaria.
MOJ will make the referrals after receiving a completed dossier, then prospective parents have X days to visit and formally accpect referral. Then MOJ, Court, Birth cert., Passport and finally FOREVER HOME!
I don't work for any agency, but I have adopted from Bulgaria and belong to a couple online groups and this is the information that I've seen posted there.
Your agency should be able to help you and answer any questions you have. I always found that I should have asked my agency first instead of trying to glean info from groups. However, I owe my sanity to the groups and forums.
Also if you have any other questions, I'd be glad to help if I can. Post here or feel free to PM me.