Just wanted to hear from anyone who has had recent dealings with the Intercountry Adoption Unit (Dept of Families) in Queensland.
My husband and I can't have our own children and are desperately seeking some sort of timeline from the Intercountry Adoption Unit. We are very frustrated at the monet because we call every couple of months asking when Expressions of Interests may be advertised and everyone either says "in about 18 months time" or I don't know. It's up to the Director-General. The Unit have been telling us this for almost two years now. Why can't we get an answer?! At least if the chances of Expressions of Interest are unlikely in the next twelve months, say so. If it happens earlier, well then it will be anice surprise won't it! I wish they wouldn't leave people hanging. I understand however why they don't make predictions on dates because if it doesn't work out, people get their hopes up etc.
We are so frustrated that we are now looking to move overseas or if "Independant Adoptions" are able to processed as I hav read about them over the internet.
Can anyone tell me if there is any possible way for a couple form Aust (Qld) to Adopt a child from overseas without going through a government agency???
Any responses would be appreciated.
What you need to do is go into the office and sit in the waiting room till you can see the Director of Adoptions. take with you all the dates that you have contacted the agency and all your other paper work.
If this does not work do to you federal misister because you should have had an expression of interest by now. all the people that I know who have done it in VIC have had their babies in their arms with in 2 years of starting the process.
We have written two letters to the Director General and the Minister for Families. These were sent a few weeks ago now however, we have just had a change of Minister with the recent election so it may take some time to get a reply. In the letter, we communicated our frustrations and are eagerly awaiting their response.
I have also made some enquiries with other States. I have been informed that Qld is by far the slowest and that we may be able to move to another State to expedite the process. I have also spoken to the Qld coord for Ethiopian Adoptions and he tells me that the next Expressions of Interest aren't likely to be until late 2004 or early 2005. More waiting! Anyway, moving interstate is now a realistic option of us. Hope all goes well.
Do you, or does anyone else reading this message, know of anyone who has had dealings with adopting overseas kids through Tasmania, Sth Aust or the ACT?
Hi Dansey,
I think going interstate is your best option. Going overseas has its problems and you still need to involve Oz immigration which is difficult. Also in some places - eg China - you need Australian approval anyway (which you can't get and therefore can't adopt while living there).
Queensland is totally unbelievable - it doesn't seem possible that they can just close their books for so long - something should be done!!
Hope it works out,
Hi Margy,
Thanks for your post. My husband and I are moving to Victoria for the adoption. We can start the process straight away. We spoke to the Qld adotption org before making our decision and they said that the expressions of interest wouldn't occur for about another 12 months (that was about 1 - 2 months ago).
We have serious doubts about how things are run in Qld and so as a result, we are moving to Melbourne and leave in 4 weeks. It's a pretty drastic step but we are looking forward to commencing the adoption procedure finally.
How Exciting!!
I sincerely hope all goes well for you in Melbourne - instead of waiting a year to even 'express interest' you might be close to having your adopted child by this time next year.
I wish you all the very best - keep us informed on how you progress down South!
Hi Dansey...we are waiting for the expressions of interest since last year...however, three days ago, my husband called the department and the lady said that it will be sometime this year and she told my husband to keep an eye of our mail if we go on holiday...also she told him that the people of QLD who wants to be on the list are double from last year, I guess it means the chance will be very slim...I wish we could move to Victoria too...I wish you best of luck for the adoption process there...
A note in reply to Margy's March post. I know Australians resident in both Beijing & Shanghai that have either finalised adoptions or are going thru the process now. It is untrue that they cannot adopt due to needing "approval". The dept in their original home state simply supplies a letter saying that they have no involvement in the process where an Australian citizen is resident overseas.