Male Adoptee born 01/26/65 in St.John's Newfoundland named "Chris" looking for BMom and BSib. Brother born 02/61 and probably does not know he has a younger brother. BMom stayed at Glenbrook Girls home with Brother and then later after I was born. BMOM was 18 at the time of my birth.I have Non Identify info as well as adoption order. Name is blacked out. Adoption finalized in Feb.1966. I was adopted by US Military family stationed at Harmon AFB. I know live in the United States and am looking for any information/assistance in locating BMom and/or BBro. If you have info or can help please contact me . Adopted name is Daniel R. Alvarez
I have been searching for 6 years and would like to connect.
thanks in advance,
ISO BFamily