I was born 12/31/59 in Charleston WV. Last name on Birth Certificate was LEE. Looking for birth family. I was adopted in March of 1963.
Do you have any information about your birth? Are you sure about your dates? My father (Robert Lee) Had a sister Amy Lee who was adopted out at about 4 or 5 years old....
My dad just wanted to ask if you had any other info about yourself at all? Im sorry if I am bugging you at all, but he was curious to know if you have blue eyes and reddish hair. We do have a picture of his sister, from when she was little I could send, he just wants to be sure that it is not you. Thanks so much :)
PS...Do you know what your parents names were, or if you had any siblings? Sorry about this, I have spent a long time searching, and your dates are the closest I have been able to come up with.
I have brown hair and hazel eyes. I don't have any info on my parents or any other siblings. I was adopted from the Charleston Childrens home. My parents have pictures of me as a baby. I was brought home on March 23, 1960 at 3 months of age. If there is anything else you need please contact me or give me your number and I will contact you. I wish to find my biological parents also.