If Anyone has looked at there birth certificate all there life and thought that the information on it would lead to finding there birth parents may want to check a little deeper, The fact is that I just recently got my pre adoption birth certificate and found out that the hospital I thought I had been born at was not at all the place , I had been lied to all these years(By the way you can in OREGON send off for your pre certificate real simple)so just A thought for every one looking for the truth. Please feel free to reply for more info. Peace out.
Maybe soon all the other states will follow the good people of OREGON in voting for the rights of every adoptee every where, I think that like the the people fighting for the helmet laws to be taken away and each person given the right to chose for themselves so should the rights of every adoptee anywhere be given to them to deside ther own fate.
I have my pre-adopt info, and I am still questioning it. The name given on the pre-adopt cert. does not exist as stated in the public records.
Did your adoptive parents tell you the wrong information? Or was the information on your pre adoption certificate different then on the post adoption certificate? I am helping a friend search for her birth daughter born 2-2-1970 in Portland. She was adopted through Waverly Children's Home. We thought we may have found her daughter, but the hospital (where born)information is different, and so is the time of birth....Just curious if this was a common thing.
Thank you guys! Nicole
I was born in Portland Oregon and all my info is the same. Adoption birth certificate and original one. I found my bmom using the info I received in my non id info. She gave me just enough information to begin my search and from there is was so easy.
So, I guess it vary's from where you were adopted. I was adopted through the state and not an agency.
Hope this helps
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