Can someone point me to some resources for adoption related scrapbook products? What kind of products are out there? and what kind of products are hard/impossilbe to find? TIA
You can go to "bromanchik" profile [url][/url] and access her homepage from there. Two scrapbook type books are featured among the gift books, "A Gift of Myself" and "A Birthparent's Book of Memories".
You may also want to check out the threads "Memory Books for Adopted Children" [url][/url]
"Life Books" [url][/url]
"Dealing With the Wait" [url][/url]
Advertisements has a section on adoption scrapbooking. So, you could always check there!
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There is a beautiful series of lifebooks for both international and domestic adoptions, it is call "Hold on Tigth to your Dream".
These are absolutely beautful and archival safe books that can be expanded and flexed as needed to your story. they are designed around the specific adoption/country and are the highest quality and tasteful lifebook out there...hands down.
These books make recording your journey both easy for you and special for your child.
There are two universal books for both international and domestic and the Russia, china and Korea versions are exquisite.
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