Does anyone have any info. on this lady or her company? It is called byt three names that I have found..A baby to Love, MMM baby to Love, and High Country Inc. Her name is Vicki and she works out of Whitetop VA. We have been matched through her and know nothing about the facilitation service she runs. We have heard many things good and bad. Needing some current info. if anyone has any.
You may want to check with the Virginia Board of Licensing for Child Placement Agencies to determine whether they are a licensed child placement agency. They will also have a record of any complaints/problems/issues with any and all licensed child placing agencies.
If they are not a licensed child placement agency in Virginia, than there may be problems - it is illegal in Virginia for anyone to receive money to connect pbirth and padoptive parents. This law would impact any child born in Virginia as well as any family finalizing in Virginia (regardless of where the child is born). Other states have similar statutes - check with your attorney.
Regina, AMom to Ryan Joshua Thomas
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