The following is part of what I know.
Born in New Haven, Conn.:
Names given at Birth were:
Ralph March 1958
William Feb. 1959
Jack April 1960
B-Mothers first name is Mary
B-Fathers first name is Ralph
In a lousy reunion besides the medical information, she mentioned there was a daughter born also. Unclear about the daughter/sister details after her birth or would not discuss it. I think a little of both.
Very confusing about the sister. Not sure if born before or afterward us boys. this was one of the subjects the B-Mom did not want to get into in detail, so what is below is what I gather and deciphered.
She was very vague as to where but what I heard what she said the sister(s)? were born also in New Haven/area. She stated the last she knew she was still in New Haven area and that she had no interest in contacting her daughter or the others, and the only reason she agreed to meet me was because I was the first to contact her. Siblings I had found were told and no contact was made with her. No name or any other information was given about this daughter/sister.
I have my complete file from Conn. Hopwever it mentions only us 3 boys that were placed. And I am afraid if she lied when placing her for adoption it would not mention us 3 boys as her given birth or placing us. Or perhaps she could have been the first and lied when givng us boys up??? Also not clear if was placed for adoption or given to a relative for raising her up.
The birthmother was still alive in 1995, living in Alabama when we met. Birthfather was still alive in 1995 living in Conn.
Birthfather wanted no contact as his current wife and family had no idea he gave up children in his youth. But did relay some medical information
Hope some of this helps somebody if not myself. I have more information in the state file given to me. So if you even think you may be her and know something please let me know and can cross check on yahoo messenger or chat room, Where I am off to now.
I was born in Torrington CT in 1962 and have been told I have 3 brothers (half brothers I think) I THINK they would all be older than me and also my mother wanted no contact.
Please contact me if you think this is part of my family. I was also told the boys father went to jail for armed robbery and my father was a brother of my mothers' sisters' fiancee.
Very confusing.