Hi TanyaB,
Are you still traveling next month? Do you have your travel plans and accommodations all set? Hope everything is going smoothly!
Yeah, Tanya!!! I've been hoping to hear more updates the closer April comes. Have you heard any thing lately? You've been too quiet, girly. At least drop in and say hi. :)
Sorry I haven't posted lately. We are in the process of moving to a different house so things are crazy right now. We actually just heard from our agency on Friday and it "appears" that our little guys TPR has bee done, but the custody hearing has not been set. The April 12th date remains, but is VERY tentative. So now we wait some and see what happens. The waiting is very hard, but we do not want to go to Panama until all our paperwork is done so we do not have to go and come back without our son, or have to stay for a month. I guess if waiting means we do not have to do all that than it truly is for the best.
I will keep you all posted,
Wow, you're moving? Did you update your I71-H and homestudy? Did that cost anything to change? Good luck with the move, I can't imagine doing that so close to travel, I'd be a basket case! hehehe