I was born on 3/25/1973 in Lawrence Memorial Hospital (new london connecticut).
Father was stationed at New London Naval base his name was Ted and was shipped out. Mother's name is Louise maiden name PAIGE married name Ramirez. I believe she is living in Georgia but her family is still in the New London area of Connecticut. I believe the family lived in small house/trailer and she hid her pregnancy. I think she had about 5 siblings.
Not sure if her family knows about me. I am a female looking for any information on the Paige/Page family and/or Louise (ramirez)
I know Louise had twin siblings that died at birth and I believe that her mother died from a gall bladder incident.
I know that I am philipino and Italian and am still in Connecticut and would like to meet my mother or my aunts and uncles.
Please respond if you know anything. Medical records or some kind of information on my medical history would be great!