I am searching for a young lady who is 26 years of age. Her name at birth was Malayia Kaye Belle Thompson. She as born at the university hospital in Omaha Nebraska on January 1, 1978. I allowed her to be adopted in December, 1978. The adoption agency was The Nebraska Children's Home in Omaha. Malayia is bi-racial (caucasion & black). If you see this, and are willing, I would very much like to meet you again. You don't know how much you have been a part of my life all these years withn my memories. I talk of you often and I celebrat your birthday every year. You have siblings who are anxious to meet you. And, I want you to know why I made one of the hardest and most painful choices of my life by allowing th white woman and black man I believe you call Mom & Dad to adopt you.
If you are reading this and think you know the young woman I am talking about, PLEASE --- Tell her you saw this