Hi, searching for Birth family. I was born Feb. 5 1964, Mesicordia Hosp. I have non-Ident info to help with a correct match. Please contact me if you are looking! I understand why you had to give me up.I am happily married with 1 child. I wonder how you are doing Bmom? You were very young. I wonder why I turned out how I did? (Ok, I think, lol) I am signed on in a site called: lesfemmesfilles (lot of anger there) I am not so angy anymore, just have empty spot in my heart! Anyone else that wants to share stories?
The site I was referring to is called: lesfillesmeres. I don`t know how to edit my entry so did it this way! :o
Hello Donna, I am searching for a girl who was my sister for a very short while. My wonderful parents had adopted her in Montreal around the year 1965. She was born Donna King. She was gorgeous, I have numerous slides and photos of her.
Catholic family services, exercised their right to remove her from our home due to another child being born into this family, namely, me.
If you are this person, please contact me, I would love to give Donna her baby pictures and let her know how loved she was, and that she had a big brother, and a baby sister for awhile at least and that if we had our way, we would not have to do this search at alll. My mother was heartbroken when she was moved.
Donna was with us until 1967 I believe.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Warm regards.
Hi Sheila,
That Donna that you are referring to can`t be me. I was adopted into a family that kept me. My adoptive mother had sugar diabetes and she believed that if she adopted a second child (me) that God would let her live. It didn`t work. She died when I was 5 years old. When she adopted my brother, she picked him for his blond hair and blue eyes. For me she decided to let fate deside as in nature, and picked the first baby in the door of the orphanage. That baby was brown haired, brown eyed me!
I was never in foster care until I was a teenager. Nice to hear from someone though. Thanks for writing and good luck with your search. Donna :) :p
I too am looking for a Donna! My sister was born Donna Margaret Hancox, on December 1, 1960 at the Grace Maternity Hospital in Halifax, Nova Scotia. However, she was adopted through Batshaw in Pointe Claire, Quebec and went to her adoptive home on March 18, 1961. I know that her adoptive father was a professional of some sort and her adoptive mother worked in Clerical. At times I find searching discouraging, but I will continue to look, no matter how long it takes. Thanks for listening.