How would I search marriage records of possable birth mom named Karen Schell. I get nowhere on the internet..........Any clues someone?? Thanks ........Good luck all!!....Kathi
Look for "Schell" in the obituaries of newspapers. If you find her father or grandfather, it may name the daughters, and it will give their current married name at the time. This is what helped me find my **.
Hope this helps.
hey Bunny -
The Department of Vital Statistics in Boston has a geneology division. They will do a ten year search for $18.00. So if you want to take a ballpark figure of when she might have married, they can search.
Call: 1-617-740-2600 for Vital Statistics main number and ask them what you are searching for. You can't access the files via Internet. You can pay over the phone by credit card or by mailing a check or money order. Even faxed. Does that help at all? I always just call around and ask a lot of questions.
Also, I have heard that if you already have a lot of data on your birth file, sometimes the adoptee specialist in the town you were born or at the state Vital statistics will give you more from your original file.
Good Luck -
Where is Karen Schell from? Looking for BMOM with first name of KAren, possible last initial of 'S'. Info I have suggests that I am one of 4 children - I am , at the time, the younger of the 4. My DOB - 12/25/1967. Records/information I have suggestst that bmom had three other children at the time I was born (2 girls, 1boy, then me). Boy may have had cerebral palsy. Anything familiar here to you?