I will be taking the forums down to do the FINAL portion of our Forum Consolidation at 11PM CST. Some of you may have noticed the NeverӔ and 0Ӕs all over the place from my actions today of moving the threads from forums that will be deleted to their new homes.
Sunday, I will take the forums down for about an hour (baring no complications) to complete the process of deleting the forums that have been merged. After this is done, I *should* be finished with taking the forums down for a bit.
We do have some planned maintenance that we havenҒt scheduled yet, but as soon as I know when that will take place, I will make a post like I have for the last few weeks.
As always, post your questions (Im still at a loss on the meaning to life҅) and I would be happy to answer them!
LOL Lea - I'm not ignoring them :) I'm very sick...I've been feeling kinda crudy for two days but today it hit me like a truck load of bricks...and I am SO not looking forward to another "all nighter"...all I want to do is sleep.
Also, I just got done watching "Ocean's 12" - can someone please give me that 2 hours and 15 minutes back please...that was bad bad bad.
Wow...that is odd!
You know that it's not going to be a good movie when you pause the show to get up and wash the dishes...that should have been my first clue...but I'm the same kind of person who will read a BAD book cover to cover because I just can't STAND to not know what happens...:rolleyes: