How to Open Your State Adoption Record
Current Nevada statute does not allow an adult adoptee to view thier court adoption record or original birth certificate, without a petition filed and granted. This process takes years, hundreds of dollars, and the good favor of a willing judge. Frankly, it rarely happens.
Then how do I open my state adoption record?
The Nevada State Legislature is looking into changing the 1953 and 1973 laws that selaed records and separated adoptees from the knowledge of their own past. Instead, Nevada could allow an adult adoptee, once he reaches age 18, to gain access directly to his own birth certificate and court adoption file.
Why? Because the adoptee is the subject of the adoption, and has a direct and tangible interest in the matter. The adoptee is part of the circle of confidentiality. And has a right to access identifying information.
Visit Nevada Open's web site, to learn how you can talk with the legislature, as they study and discuss this proposed new law.
Our next hearing is Thursday, April 22nd, 2004.
Join the discussions and let Nevada lawmakers know your interest in your own beginnings. Together, we can help return statute to where it was in 1953, before records were sealed to adoptees.
To join Nevada Open send e-mail to:
Don't stay frustrated in your search and questions. Open your record, and read about your yourself and your beginnings.
Warmest Regards,