I am helping My Husband Serch for his birth Mother, There are No strings attached, We are just Looking for medical information. We have a 12 year old son and Need to know more for his sake.
We do not know much about My husbands birth and not really for sure where he was born. His birth certificate says Shellbyville but then has Gordon County wich I am not even sure that there is one in TN. And Shellbyville is NOT Gordon County!
My Husband was born June 25, 1970 and was not adopted until September 22, 1970. we do not know where he stayed till then.
My Husband is a Big man Tall as well as built Big, so I am almost sure he was born a big baby. If any one know Anything or if this might sound like something you know about PLEASE Reply
Thank you for your time,
Debbie & Anthony
His amended BC will hold alot of info.
If he was born in AL then your journey is easier then you think. You can request a copy of his orginal Birth certicate which will hold all the info including all the files in his adoption records. You can even contact the agency and request Non identifying info about his Birth mom. They will try to bully you and say the birth mom doesn't want to be bothered, ( they all do this) They all do this! Its your legal right to have this info. Remind them of house bill 690. It just means they will have to do some paper works plain and simple.
All adoptions take at least a year to finalize so don't let that date difference bother you. When I was searching I knew I had the the Athens area right but my sister had moved to Athens Georgia as an adult. Just look at the amended BC and if you have the adoption papers you can usually get the birth surname too. In the amended BC the name and parents are changed but usually nothing else is changed. Thats a BIG Hint for you!
Best Wishes and God Bless
Sibling reunited with 2 adopted siblingi given up in Al and LA