I was found in the ladies room at a Texaco station. There was a great deal of media attention, so I am afraid my birthmother may feel ashamed. I do hope someone has information. I have appeared on Unsolved Mysteries and the Geraldo show, nothing was conclusive. Many empty leads. I have 3 sons, and they need a grandma!
Hi! I live in Bluefield, WV. I remember all the media attention about you. I don't have any info, just a suggestion. I don't know how this may work, but have you considered contacting the television station here in Bluefied and talking with them about doing a segment on you. It may really help. I graduated from high school in 1977, but I remember hearing about you. I am sure there are a lot of other people that will remember also. Never know, the right person may be watching. Hope you are doing well. God Bless!