Female born at L.A. County General in March of 1977 ..looking for a 1/2 sister believed to be roughly a year and a half older...(so probably born in either 1975 or '76)...
There is no real info. on my half sister except that she was believed to be living with biological grandparents in Encino, CA...biological mother was between the ages of 19-21 in the year 1977...of caucasian descent ...but possibly with olive complexion.
There is a possibility that an additional brother either the same age, or close in age to myself (so born either '77 or '78) exists as well...but this is a point of confusion and speculation as he seemingly disappeared in 1979.
Please if any of this sounds familiar to you, message me here. Thank you.
Hello my name is Deanna. MY half sister was adopted. Dob is 2/20/1977. Born at lawton indian hospital. Cherokee heritage. Her birth name was Sonya marie wilson.she had strawberry blonde hair my mom says. She had an older brother born In 1974.. 2yrs and 3 months apart. My mother was sick and she was adopted at three months old out of the Dallas area.I have been told that people where able to alter birth certificates of adoptees during the the 70's including birth place date or year and names. It was a closed adoption. The lawyer Jim martin told my mom that the family adopting Sonya was well off and reassured my mother that she would be well taken care of.the adoptive parents know a member of bio family on maternal side named Jim and Beverly Martin or Catonya (Tonya) pool. My mom was told that the adoptive mother was a previous pagent contestant or possibly a winner. The adoptive parents possibly already had two biological boys at the time of the adoption took place. Could this be you?thank you Deanna