I have a little different perspective on step-parent adoptions I was adopted in 1978 at the age of 4 by my moms new husband. He turned out to be a very abbusive man so much so that when my mother FINNALLY divorced him when I was 12 he lost all rights to me and my brother along with his rights to his other BIO children he and my mother had during the marriage. I am sure that there are alot of good people out there who want to adopt but as a word of warning to single moms or dads who think that it would be nice to have their new husband or wife adopt please, please do the background checks on these men or women to make sure they really are who they say. Because understand for the childrens sake there is noone left for them to tell what is going on with them once the other parent is out of the situation. I felt I could not tell my mom becuase it would ruin her marriage.