I am a B-mom and gave birth January 16th,1962 at the
Booth Matenity Home outside Phila.Is anyone else searching
for their Booth baby ???? And are you having any results ??
After 42 years,you would think I would be used to waiting,
but it gets harder and harder. From Nancy :(
Hello. I am an adoptee. My name is Patti. I am not your birthchild, but I am looking for my birthmom, and when I read your message, I had to respond. I have often wondered if my b-mom thinks of me on birthdays, or holidays, and I would like to think she does, because she is on my mind every day. I may never find her, but I hope I do. Just to tell her thankyou for the opportunities she has given to me. I would also like to know if I have any siblings. Anyway, I hope you find who you are looking for. If they are like me, they are looking up in the sky at the stars and are hoping that you are doing the same thing, somewhere, and that you are well, and happy, and know that you have not been forgotten. Sincerely, Patti