Hi.. My name is Karen, and I am 20 years old. I have always known I was adopted,but just recently have been told by my mom some of my biological mom and dads information. I was born 11/16/83 in Delaware and was premature. I know that I have a 1/2 sister who would be 2 years older then me. I would like to know how I can find out the names of my mother and father but have no idea where to look. If you have any information that could help me please contact me. thank you.
the search begins,
Do you have a last name for them? has helped alot of people that I know.
I would reccomend looking in the last state/town that you know they were in. Alot of times they may have moved away but you may be able to find a relative. I actually talked to one man who had the same names but didn't think that he was who I was looking for. He did volunteer to ask around at his upcoming family reunion. You never know.
What about adoption records. You can request them in almost all states that I'm aware of. In my sisters' case they tried to cut out all the names of people she could contact to find out info. (by that state law they had to due to confidentiality) BUT they forgot one small place where her bmoms name was listed. IMO that probably was not a mistake because the lady that my sis spoke to on the phone actually cried when she heard her story. In her case it was a bit easier to find her bfamily because they had not moved very far from where she was born.
Was your adoption through an agency? Mine was through the church for the most part & I was able to contact the pastor at the church where my bmom attended services for years. Unfortunately she had moved when she got married and nobody seems to know where she went to, although he was able to tell me her current last name and that I have a sibling younger than myself. The pastor was an adoptee himself and felt very sympathetic. He offered to be my search angel since he had some experience with the journey. Search Angels can be your best friend! Posting here for help from an Angel may work.
At the top of the postings list for Deleware adoption records you'll find phone numbers for the offices you would need to contact for state records. They will do their best. In my situation they could not help much because although I was vorn in Delaware the adoption took place through the church and was finalized in the state where I was raised.
I guess what I'm saying is try anything never know where you'll find what you're looking for
That has been my journey so far so that's really all the advice I have. Best of luck to you in your search!!!