I am looking for my sister, she was born 3-20-60. At St. Vincents Hospital in Worchester, Mass. The maternity home was Merrilac Manor. Our birth mother is Nancy M. (Trumbour) McDonald . Catholic Charities handled the adoption in Suffolk County. We are searching for you and want to make sure your O.K. you have another sister named Bernadette also. My name is Lisa.
Have you contacted CC to see what your options are? I believe, in my limited dealings with them, that the birth mother can: (1) put a waiver on file, in case the daughter contacts them looking for info and (2) initiate a search, but it will cost $$. This may all be old info to you (I saw your post on adoptionsearch, so you are clearly versed in the search options), but if not, call MA D.S.S. at (617) 748-2267 and ask for the number of the CC branch which handled the adoption, and they can tell you all of your options.
Hope that's somewhat helpful. Good luck.
- Matt