I like to start the adoption process for my stepson.
I urgently need to find out about the consent form (which I couldn't find from available website for free downloads) of the presumed father. My wife's ex-husband has agreed to cooperate the adoption process. What exactly documents/ format of his agreement do we need for him to sign and to present to the judge? Appreciate your help,
John, depending on what state you live in will depend on the paperwork you need. I may be able to come up with some paperwork that may help you. I need a couple of days, but I would be happy to help if I can. I can not give legal advice, but I do know a little about adopting step-children. I do know that it cost approximatel $200.00 in the state of Texas. I do not know what the cost would be in another state. Also, it could be anywhere from 6 months to a year for the adoption to actually take place. If you would like to email me, please feel free.
I will be happy to answer any questions that I can, but remember, I am not legally qualified to give advice.
If you are in California and the other parent will consent, here is where you find the forms. You will want to look for forms AD 2 thru AD 2D. You will most likely need form AD 2A. Pick the one you need and print it out. BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE FORM!! I cannot stress that enough. Make absolutely sure it is notorized or witnessed properly. If the bio parent your dealing with is incarcerated a deputy from the facility as witness is acceptable. Make sure they provide title, badge #, facility contact # with signature. I had three originals done just in case.