I just received an e-mail from a Bulgarian Agency that stated while it is legal to adopt two unrelated children (we are asking for 2 about 18 mos. old) it is the Ministry of Justice's policy not to. Has anyone adopted two unrelated children 30 mos. or younger. I am stressing quite abit about this, as we want 2 children and will never be able to aford this again. They said we could get siblings, but there are not many siblings to be adopted especially at that age, and the wait could be massive. Please let me know if any of you have done it.
I don't know if this will be of any help to you, but my family adopted two non-related children from Bulgaria two years ago so I know it can be done. They were older than 30 months however (10 and 11 at the time) and I don't know if the laws are different for younger children.
Why don't you keep your options open and put :you want two children 2 or under that can be siblings or not. Maybe you will get twins or maybe their will be an infant sibling that could be 1 by the time you get finalized and I believe you can still use the same dossier and INS paperwork and just travel one more time. I know of people that have adopted siblings that were 4,3,2 and mom just a had a baby and they went back when baby turned 1 for number 4.
Good Luck!
Be sure to discuss the new laws with your agency. I've heard that the Minister of Justice wants you to be as specific as possible regarding the 'desired child'.
It used to be better to have a fairly open request, but it appears that is not the case any longer.
I am just so stressed out. My agency told me that they yalked to the agency in Bulgaria and they said it would be fine, but then why would a different woman in the same agency be telling me it won't. They said we could switch to Russia, but that would be $21,800 for foreign fee instead of $13,500 with Bulgaria and we can't do that. I am so confused.........
There are two very active e-groups for families who have adopted from, are waiting, or are considering adopting from Bulgaria where you might get more feedback:
or subscribe to the EEAC's Bulgaria-List at
[URL=]EEAC Subscription form[/URL]
Also [URL=]FaCAB (Families with Children Adopted from Bulgaria)[/URL] is a Yahoo site with lots of links and files.
You have to join the yahoo group to access the links, newsletters, and files....but there is tons of info there
Adopting two small children close in age is called many things including, artificial twinning, false twinning, virtual twinning, and pseudo-twinning. This is a very serious thing to consider, some people are for it, whereas others are totally against it. Typing "Artificial twinning" into you internet search engine will turn up quite a bit of information.
You might want look into this more before you push further ahead. I know how easy it is to say "we'll adopt two" or "we'll just adopt both" I know because I've done it, but keep in mind what will be best for the newest members of the family.