How or Where can I go to find Adoption Records that took place in 1969 or so?
I am looking for a Half Sister whom was born in 1969. I have birth mom and dad's full names at the time of birth.
ANY help is appreciated
I read your Thread.
I have a friend that was born in January of 1969 and is looking for her family.
This was a private adoption.
Hope you can get a hold of me about this. One way or the other.
Thank you
How or Where can I go to find Adoption Records that took place in 1969 or so?
I am looking for a Half Sister whom was born in 1969. I have birth mom and dad's full names at the time of birth.
ANY help is appreciated
I have a friend that was born in 1969. It was a private adoption. She has no names of her birth parents, she is looking for that information.
How or Where can I go to find Adoption Records that took place in 1969 or so?
I am looking for a Half Sister whom was born in 1969. I have birth mom and dad's full names at the time of birth.
ANY help is appreciated
Hello, my mother was adopted in august 1969 and we are still trying to find her birth parents or siblings. im not sure maybe there might be a connection
I was born May 8th, 1969 - in Minnesota. It's a shot in the dark, but that's certainly worth the chance. I wish you all the best in your search! Kris
MI is a hard state to get any identifying info due to the records being sealed and in some cases the non-id stuff can be hard to come by as well.
Most states have a provision for gaining non-id info and sometimes in obtaining that limited info, there are pieces of info that come out that help in a search.
The information contained in court records nearly always hinges on the actions of the court. There is rarely any personal information in those records.
This is a shot in the dark because of the difficulty in gaining much information, but it may help.
My suggestion is to contact the Clerk of the Adoption Court where the adoption was finalized to see how the information you are seeking can be obtained.
If MI, ( or any state) requires that only state forms can be used for this purpose, the Clerk of the Court will send them. They are free and the Clerk will answer any questions in terms of obtaining the non-identifying information. They will not give legal advice.
Even tho, the required forms are filled out and returned, that does not guarantee
you will get all the information.
I wish you the best.