Hello, I am a newcomer to this site, but am very interested. My husband and I were in the process of adopting privately. It was a semi-open adoption of an African-American child. On the day the birthparents went to have the ultrasound, that evening the birthfather called to tell me that they had changed their minds. We were so crushed because we had made so many plans for having a baby in our family. This would have been our first child. I became so bitter about the whole adoption process that I had lost faith. Previously, we had stopped the adoption process with an agency because it became too costly and we couldn't afford it. Today I have found myself searching this website and I am very drawn in. Is there anyone that can give me some kind of hope that one day, maybe, we will adopt a beautiful child? Any suggestions or ideas?
Hang in there! There is ALWAYS hope. Sometimes it takes time. It doesn't always work the way we want it to.
I'm sorry about your lose. We had a couple losses in our adoption journey. We have adopted 3 times though in 4 years!One biracial daughter who turned 4 in May, one AA daughter who will be 2 in a couple weeks & an AA son who is 9 1/2 months old.
I believe in 2 quotes... " Miracles Happen To Those Who Believe" and "Where There Is Great Love There Arre Always Miracles"
I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. WE also experienced a loss during our adoption journey. However, in the end we found the most perfect little boy. Since that successful placement we have adopted a second (also quite perfect) child (within 11 months from the first). They are now 2 and 1.
I now that your journey to parenthood has not been easy, but I promise if you can find strength and endure it WILL happen! I remember many nights sitting in the "soon to be" nursery, looking at baby clothes, smelling the baby lotion, etc. Because of our struggles to parent. I know that we appreciate being parents much more than if we had conceived quickly.
Have faith, be will happen.
You are in my prayers.