Hello, I have a friend who is 14, is currently living with her grandmother, who verbally abuses her, her mother is living with a man who is charged with child molestation, and basically the rest of her family is screwed up. So I was wondering if it is possible for a 16 year old to adopt a 14 year old? I could ask my mom to try and adopt her but my mom is going through enough physical problems as it is. and I think it would be too much stress on her to go through all the procedures. With the money me and my mom get a month I could afford her. but according to the website I've been to you have to be 21 years old. She's my best friend and I don't like having her cry over the phone to me every night because of her grandmother. So I would appreciate it if you could advise me in what to do? thank you very much for your time.
I do not believe it is ever legal for a minor to adopt anyone. Some states set the minimum age to adopt someone at 18, others at 21. Still others have a minimum age difference between adopting parent and adopted child (like the parent must be at least 15 years older than the child).
If your friend is being abused, or she is living with someone likely to abuse her, she should talk to someone about it. Her school counselor, a pastor/priest/rabbi, or a child abuse hotline. If she refuses to do so then please tell the whole situation to your mother and ask her to call and report the abuse.
Make sure your friend knows you care, but state law prevents you from adopting her.