This is not really a lullaby, because it is a little faster than a lullaby, however, this is the song that my grandmother would sing to all of her grandchildren as we would love to climb up in her recliner with her. SHe was a wonderful and remarkable woman. SHe gave birth and raised 8 of her own children as well as a stepson. ALl of this by herself I might add. SHe LOVED everyone. Never met a stranger and everyone loved her. Now she told me that this was an Irish lullaby, but my aunt (WHO would argue with a tree, ) tells me my grandmoth"er made this up. I will never know. MY grandmother died in APril of 2000, but she will always be loved. Here it is. It sounds more like a tavern song to me, but it's special to me.
"Two men from Darbytown"
"There were two men in Darbytown
these two men were rich
one was the son of a millionaire
the other was the son of a
hocus bocus deedle dum docus
if you think I lie
go down to Darbytown and see the same as I"
"Of all the insects in the woods
I'd rather be a mosquito
I'd fly down to grandpa's house
and light up on his
hocus bocus deedle dum docus
if you think I lie
go down to Darbytown
and see the same as I"
I got up in front of my 1st grade class and sung them this song. My teacher was mortified. LOL