Searching for any family of Edward Etzkorn born in Kansas City, Mo on 3/7/45.
Birth mother had brown hair and blue eyes. She had 2 brothers and 5 sisters. She came to Kansas City to stay at a maternity home and was 19.
Birth father had blonde hair and blue eyes. He had 3 brothers and 3 sisters. He and two of his brothers were in the military in 1945. The family farmed and all played musical instruments.
In 1930 census there're no families matching your information but there's a older census where one matches. The girls all would have been too old but maybe their info was given instead of b/ms. E/M me if you want this info.
Searching for any family of Edward Etzkorn born in Kansas City, Mo on 3/7/45.
Birth mother had brown hair and blue eyes. She had 2 brothers and 5 sisters. She came to Kansas City to stay at a maternity home and was 19.
Birth father had blonde hair and blue eyes. He had 3 brothers and 3 sisters. He and two of his brothers were in the military in 1945. The family farmed and all played musical instruments.
i live in the county next to logan,if you would like me to i can call some of the etzkorn in logan county. email me at