You are a girl born January 8, 1986. You were born in Niagara Falls, NY and you were adopted immediately upon birth. You have a big sister who is very anxious to find you. I am her Uncle helping in her search. Your sisters name is Jessica and she lives with your mother and stepfather. Your father is my brother. Your mothers pregnancy was a well kept secret but my mother (your Grandma Gail) had her suspicions and found out about your birth and ultimate adoption. Your mother does not know that we now all know about you. I am certain that she thinks about you all the time because she is a loving and caring person that was going through a difficult time when she became pregnant with you. Your older sister Jessica was all that your mother could support at the time so when she became pregnant a second time with my brothers baby she made the difficult but unselfish decision to allow for a better life for you through adoption. We are all anxious to find you. Love, Grandma Gail, Jessica, Uncle Barry and Aunt Darlene.