I am looking for a black american male. You met a navajo indian female, her name, Evelyn. She went to Valley High School. You had a frequent affair with her, she was about 5 ft. 6, dk. hair. attractive.
You met each other in the african american neighbor hood in Albuquerque, New Mexio, it was called " the sticks" There are some streets there that are named broadway, edith etc... THere is a recreation center called Dennis Chavez.
You have a brother whose name is Robert.
You were tall, slender, very good looking. I do not know if you knew the teenage indian girl was pregnant or not. If not here I am, I am looking for you. I am very interested in finding out information as to where I came from. Please feel free to leave me a message.
If you know a man by the name of Jamie who fits these minor discriptions please let me know.:confused: