I read this book by Cline, and it totally freaked me out! It seems as if the author says MOST kids from foster care will practically destroy the family finanically, emotionally, possibly physically, and you had better really think about this. I am aware things can go wrong, but that book really scared me!
The book is brutally honest-but not all kids are as severe as the ones Cline described. Being traumatized by a parent and then by the system that is suppose to help does real damage.
Parents do need to be aware of the problems that exist.
However, this should not scare anyone from adopting. Instead, it should inspire them to learn about issues of truama, necessary treetments, and be sure to read and ask questions about a potential child before adopting.
It definately gave me a list of questions to ask before I adopt. I am glad to hear someone else has read that book, and still adopted!
I read this book after I adopted my 3 boys. It was scary, but I was allready parenting a child that was exactly as the book described!! I wish I had read it before hand so I would have been more prepared for the worst case scenario. I now live with the worst case scenario.
The book should not keep you from adopting, however, it is a valuable message of what to always be prepared and aware of what can happen, because sometimes it does.
what is your story? were there any warning signs? would you do anything different? i just don't know if i am strong enough for the worst case scenerio!