Shalom from Maryland!
Are there any Messianic Jews/ Gentiles out there who have, or are considering adopting? I'd love to get a new forum for us! No anti-messies please!
Currently working on a project that will hopefully lead to me being the head of an adoptive family. We have a small messianic group in Scottsville, KY that happens to be involved in fostering and wants to expand our ministry.
Yes I am planning on adopting - hopefully this year:clap:I have 4 boys - three aged 28 - 25 years and one 8 years. my mother was a holocaust survivor and fostered by a lovely couple. I am wanting to give someone the same chance for a stable home that my mother had.:flower:
We are a Messianic Jewish couple who is looking to adopt. We would love to adopt from a birth mother who is wanting to have their child raised with a family they know will raise their baby the way they want their baby raised. When I look at adoption I know the only way I could consider adoption for a baby of my own would be if I knew my baby would be raised according to how I believed. Are their still Messianic couples on this site? Have any of you adopted?
We have a daughter and are looking to expand our family and would love to adopt.